Corporate Values

Our values represent our collective identity. We are different because people working at SunLight Business Solutions make this company a single and differentiating project.
We strive to meet the objectives, we look after innovation, we are fast, we work as a team in a rigorous way, we listen, we are transparent and honest with a high sense of customer service, always looking after meeting their expectations.
We strive to achieve customer satisfaction; no matter how complex it is, if we have offered our customers will get it. We guarantee all our statements and proposals in the certainty that comes with experience and knowledge.
We make quick decisions, acting with speed and dynamism.
We focus on a quick solution to a problem by proposing realistic, quality and feasible alternatives. We adapt quickly to changes and demands of our professional environment.
We know the needs and expectations of our customers to develop and implement solutions that increase their satisfaction. We serve our customers efficiently at all times, maintaining agile and decisive behavior that enhances the credibility and reputation of the company and its professionals. We serve customers with great interest and we strive to understand their requirements, which is the priority feature of the attitude of all our professionals.
We work from the perspective of the quality and following established procedures. We operate in the strictest sense of professional ethics. We act with responsibility, discipline and efficiency.
We actively seek for chances to improve products and services and create new business opportunities. Seize opportunities and innovative solutions to problems. We are constantly updating our technological expertise to achieve pioneering innovation.
We listen carefully to our customers to know exactly their needs and propose appropriate solutions. Our eyes and ears of the customer in any activity that we develop, continually asking ourselves for your satisfaction. We actively listen with openness and respect for the views of all parties involved in a situation.
We know how to work in multidisciplinary teams, from different units, companies and countries to create a climate of trust and mutual respect. We cooperate with the rest of the organization taking on commitments to the achievement of common goals. We focus our efforts toward the same end, taking into account the contribution of each of the members for small it may seem.
We provide continues information, accurate, clear and objective. We facilitate access to information needed to develop the assigned work, maintaining an accessible position to others. We are consistent between our thoughts and our actions, acting with common sense.